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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Your baby is 2 weeks old

Your baby needs time to adjust to the various sights, sounds, and sensations of life outside your womb. Your baby is spending his/her time moving in and out of sleepiness, quiet alertness, and active alertness. Crying is the only way your baby knows to communicate.
The baby recognizes your voice and picks it out among others. He may even make a sound when he hears or sees you and he'll be eager to find you in a crowd.
You can communicate with him/her through touch. Babies loves to be held, caressed, kissed, stroked, massaged, and carried.
Baby blues.
Your life is completely different. You expected to be so happy, but you feel down, weepy, moody, or irritable. There's nothing wrong with that, there are good reasons why about half of new moms get the so-called baby blues. Doctors explain that the first weeks home with a baby, sleep deprivation, recovery from childbirth, lack of experience with babies, and not having enough help can all be very stressful. The sudden hormonal shifts that occur after you give birth can also be a reason for baby blues.
These are normal feelings! It's good to confide your feelings to a trusted friend. You'll find out you're not the only one experiencing such feelings. Try to find time for yourself, for at leasat one-two hours - while the baby sleeps or let a grandparent stay with your baby for a while.
If relaxing baths, visits or shopping sessions don't help and if the blues feelings don't dissapear after a few weeks, tell your doctor about this.
Post Partum Depression (PPD)
You may suffer from PPD. The doctors and psychologists don't know exactly why this serious condition appears, but it doesn't mean that you are a bad mother. Here are some simptoms of PPD: extreme anxiety,insomnia, panic attacks, changed eating habits - loss of appetite ore overeating, thoughts of punishing or harming yourself or your baby.

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
is also called crib death. Some babies, younger than 1 year old, die suddenly,m with no warning at all, while asleep.
SIDS is the main cause of baby death among babies younger than 1 year old, usually between the ages of 2 and 4 months. About 2500 babies die every year because of SIDS. This means 1 in 1,000. The exact causes of SIDS are unknown. The specialist speak only about factors that increase the risk of SIDS.
• A parent or caregiver who smokes
• Sleeping facedown on the mattress
• Being born prematurely
• Low birth weight
• Sleeping on a too-soft surface
• Being too hot while sleeping

To reduce the risks:
Always put your baby to sleep on his/her back. By making this recommendation, researchers managed to reduce - the number ofvSIDS cases by half - after 1992. Some doctors say even putting your baby to sleep on his side is risky. ALWAYS: NO pillows, soft toys or anything, which can unexpectedly cover your baby's mouth. It might stop breathing, without protesting. So you will not know - andf you might check too late!!! It is better to keep your baby's head uncovered and let him/her sleep in a cool room (65 Fahrenheit/18 Celsius), especially if he/she sleeps swaddled. (around 65 degrees Fahrenheit), especially if you swaddle your baby.

Try to not overdress your baby when he/she sleeps. The baby should always wear as much clothing as you wear, not more. Doctors do not recommend takingvyour baby in your bed. The soft mattress or fluffy comforters can be a risk for SIDS, if you fall asleep, you might squeeze your baby and there have been baby death cases. If you want to sleep with your baby make sure there are no risks. Keep the baby away from smoke.
Some researchers say that breastfeeding may lower the risk of SIDS as well as sleeping with a pacifier.

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baby sleep, first baby, healthy baby, overdress, PPD, SIDS, sudden death, swaddle

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